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It shall serve as an instrument to them toward addressing potential shortcomings, but also an indicator of the effectiveness of their communication with the people. It is no way a conclusive assessment on the quality of the work of institutions subject to this study. Perceptions presented in this report are a summary of information gathered from respondents and it solely demonstrates how people perceive institutions. This report is published in the framework of the Kosovo Security Barometer Programe. It is divided in three main sessions: the first focuses on general perceptions about violent extremism and other forms of extremism such as: ethnically motivated violence, political violence and religiously motivated violence the second outlines the perceptions towards risks and threats of returned fighters, and community willingness to accept former fighters and women/minors the last session focuses on the perceptions towards stakeholders involved in implementation of the CVE strategy. This report consists of data analysis on perceptions regarding threat of violent extremism and trust towards stakeholders involved in prevention of this phenomena. While, in 2017 respondents were overwhelmingly supportive for the prevention and rehabilitation programs by the Government of Kosovo to counter violent extremism, in 2018 48 percent of respondents, consider that Kosovo institutions should be more focused on prevention programs because the situation is the same and no changes are noticed in this regard. More than half of the respondents would not accept former fighters in their community. To understand the impact of the community in the rehabilitation efforts, it is crucial to know their perceptions about violent extremism (VE) since each community has their needs, similarities and differences. Published by: Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) Title: KSB Special Edition - Citizens perceptions on new threats of violent extremism in Kosovo Author: Vese Kelmendi Date: 12 February 2019 Kosovo Security Barometer report on violent extremism 2018 draws attention to the fact that Kosovo citizens still believe that returned foreign fighters are a security concern due to their war skills and their connections with terrorist groups. This paper is intended primarily for key policy-makers at central and municipal levels –local and international alike, the Kosovo Government, members of the Kosovo Assembly and of municipal assemblies, civil servants in municipalities and at central level, the international community in Kosovo, and civil society members engaged at local level. This should by no means be understood as implying that no praiseworthy work has been done at the local level or that no positive initiativesare being taken. If this study paints a largely negative picture of local government and administration in Kosovo, this is because our concern has been to identify points of friction in the current system that need urgent attention and to suggest effective remedies in response. The aim of the analysis is to foster greater transparency of municipal institutions,encourage better governance and delivery of services, as well as promote political party competition at the local level. In carrying out this analysis, we are also endeavoring to delineate areas requiring further research. The report should not be seen as a comprehensive study of all aspects of local government and administration, as it focuses only on some key issues affecting municipal governance, administration, and finance.

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The purpose here is to provide a preliminary diagnosis of current problems of local government and administration in Kosovo, and to map out some possible routes for improvement.

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